The new 'normal' is frightening Not many things frighten me, and ask anyone and they will tell you, despite my disability I try to be as independent as possible (with a few trusted individuals by my side), so then why please tell me has this pandemic made me into a person that is too frightened to leave her front door. Too frightened for her friends to come round and sit in her living room and too frightened for her to go shopping, because for me this is not normal. It’s far from normal. I’ll be honest with you here, it is frightening the hell out of me. When the country was still 'normal' Before Covid-19 hit, I wasn’t one for sitting indoors. Now don’t get me wrong I wasn’t trekking about town from dawn to dusk doing hikes. I can’t. My disability wouldn’t allow for that unfortunately. My disability would get so overwhelming on a daily basis that I wouldn’t cope and my outlet would be, my support worker, myself and my pink power chair getting out for a small outing. W...
This blog showcases and highlights the difficulties faced by disabled individuals in everyday living. It praises institutions who are getting it right and it highlights those that are failing.